Outdoor Learning

We will use the beautiful, natural environment surrounding our campus as part of a comprehensive education where students learn through their work on the school farm and in a variety of outdoor programs.  Our educational philosophy views the outdoors — the glory of God’s creation — as a natural and critical extension of the classroom. 

Rather than melt into electronic screens during their free time, our students will be encouraged to hike our land and wooded trails. They might organize a pick-up basketball game or spend some time fishing.  They could tend the animals on our farm or read a good book.  They might write poetry, practice a musical instrument, pen a sonata or paint a landscape.  They would be limited only by their imaginations and the good counsel of their teachers.

Our Mission is
Christian Education

Our mission is to educate students in Jesus Christ and to help them develop intellectually, physically, and spiritually.

We will work with parents to help the students entrusted to us to reach their full potential while never losing sight of the fact that they are still growing and developing.  Inspired by Our Lord’s example, high standards and expectations will always be lived in a context of love, mercy and forgiveness.

Our focus will be on rigorous academics, practical skill development, active outdoor and athletic engagement, and the building up of a strong and authentic Christian community.

How many students graduate from high school with the ability to manage personal finances, grow food, or repair a small engine while also being able to translate New Testament passages from the original Greek?  Most schools cannot or will not provide such an education.  We can and we will.

The boarding school model will allow us to guide students’ activities throughout the day — not just during the 30 hours a week available in a typical day school. We will lead them to become active learners who pursue constructive activities both inside and outside of the classroom. Learning will be more integrated and seamless in this model because students will study, work, play, and pray where they live.

Students will apply knowledge learned in the classroom in various contexts on campus such as when working on the school farm, creating art, building, cooking, inventing, and in school clubs.

Saint Alexander Academy will be a school where God is honored and worshiped. Students will learn about their Christian faith, and — along with their teachers — strive to live their lives in Christ.

The natural environment surrounding the campus will be an extension of the classroom. A special aspect of our school will be a working farm. Students will grow food and care for animals. Each student’s education will include other outdoor programs as well. For example, students will not just learn about the importance of clean water in our communities. They will get their feet wet — literally — as they take water samples, study these samples, and learn how to be good stewards of our natural resources.

The school will be a supportive community where students are guided by Christian educators and where they can learn and worship with their peers. We will work to maintain a safe and secure home where students feel that they belong and where they know that their wellbeing guides all that we do.  We will build a campus culture where all human life is protected and honored as icons of the Living God.  Students and graduates will enjoy lifelong connections with Saint Alexander Academy faculty, alumni, and friends.

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